Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 61 - ECA's Passion

Similar his sister, ECA has a lot of hobbies but usually ECA likes expensive hobbies. One day ECA decided he wanted to turn one of his expensive hobbies to a career. Some thought ECA was crazy because he was willing to forego a decent 9 to 5 to partake on such an endeavor. For two years, ECA was a corporate slave during the day and pursuited his passion in the evening until one day ECA could not take being a corporate slave anymore and thought to himself, "The hell with it." Now ECA is a slave to his passion. :P
This puffer fish is kind of cool even if he's poisonous. Or is he?
A figurine displayed with the idea to bring prosperity and fortune to one's business. Oh, ECA is in the background probably picking on his hand again.

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