Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 19 - The Red Box

Several weeks ago, my friends and I got together and decided to do a "craft exchange." What is a "craft exchange?" Well, the rules were pretty simple -

To participate in our craft exchange, the participant had to:

1) Make something (could be food like baked goods) or something crafty.
2) The item needed to be sent out through the mail before July 4th 2009.
3) It had to be a surprise!

I had sooo much fun trying to figure out what I was going to make but this post is not about what I made. That will have to be another post.

For the next few days, I will try to post a picture of the gifts I received. Imagine Christmas in July minus all that commercial garbage! Imagine going to work and waiting for the minutes to tick by while aniticipating and wondering if that mailman delivered a package or two or even three. Imagine racing home, opening the mailbox and uncovering the surprises all wrapped up with the USPS logo on them. I felt like I was a child, gleefully clapping my hands, excited as emptied my mailbox and darted to the family room. I dropped the junk mail and gently placed each package to the side. I slowly opened each package, salvaging each moment and then discovering the delights inside each package.

The first package I will talk about is from Metea. As I opened up the Priority box, a red box was peeking out at me. Red happens to be Metea's favorite color. She made and assemble this box! So NEAT!
She also made the treats inside this box. And...she had the wrappings for the treats. So official looking! I almost thought she cheated but she explained to me that while she was in Taiwan one year, she received the mold for these treats as well as the wrappings from her grandma-in-law. How cool is that??!?!?

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