Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 8 - A Pleasant Exchange

Today is officially the first day of summer. What a wonderful day to kick off summer with the sun shining through the sky and the temperature at a pleasant 75 degrees Farenheit. Perfect weather with a slight breeze.

Sometimes I forget how close we are to the beach. It's one of those things where I take for granted until I am actually in the moment and am reminded once again, the reason why I am a Southern Californian girl.

I was strolling along the pier and caught these two men enjoying a pleasant exchange of some sort. One wonders what they were discussing but somehow I think I know and it probably has to do with gills and fins. I briefly got a chance to talk to the man under the hood and he showed me his achievement for today. He caught four fish. I guess I know what he's having for dinner tonight. ;-)

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