Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 11 - My Kind of Shot

I don't like A LOT of alcohol. I think it is because I don't like anything bitter. It leaves me wanting to gag and I've come to being very close to gagging on a few occasions. There are a few alcohol that I can take like a Midori Sour and.....PATRON. It is one of the few shots I can take without wanting to hurl. Give me some salt to sprinkle on my fist, a lime or two and I am good to go. :-)

However...I don't do Jose Cuevas. Many years ago when I first tried Patron, someone told me it was tequila. I thought all tequila was created equal. Boy was I wrong. I realized that when, one summer I was in Vegas with my cousins and we decided to take tequila shots. That was when I knew there was a difference between tequila and Patron. Tequila = no good. Patron = awww. If there was one alcohol that I wanted to get drunk with.....

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