This was a sweet movie reminding us of why we have our gal pals. It is about four girls who’ve recently graduated high school and are about to step into the next stage of life. Advanced education. The movie takes you on a journey through the life of each girl as she grows to a young woman and you see how each girl tries to stay connected to each other by a pair of blue jeans that’s been passed around for several years. Of course with the changing of time – personalities and perspectives change. It is an inevitable part of life. So what does that mean? As each girl is wrapped up in her own affair – you feel the creeping of distance growing and almost pulling the girls apart but alas…it only takes one or two important events to pull the girls back together and they are reminded, once again, why they are good friends. If only life can sometimes imitate art…
And then I wrapped up the evening with Sex and The City – the movie.
A perfect chronology of life’s major events all wrapped up in about 4 hours time. No, I did not purposely choose to watch chick flicks one right after the other. I am not that creative. If I did, I would have called it a girls’ night but I was missing the girls.

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