Back to baking. I am not all that new to baking. Actually I've baked before. At one point in my life I thought I could be the next Betty Crocker but over the years and some attempts of baking has kind of suck the fun out of baking. I usually like to learn from other people's mistakes because, frankly, I cannot make all the mistakes myself, but baking REALLY requires me to make my own mistakes! :-( It's trial and error! In the past - I would automatically become discouraged after one failed attempt at a recipe. Needless to say...I've failed so many times on baking that I've taken a LONG sabbathical from baking AND cooking. I'd try a recipe once, didn't like the outcome and never attempted to try the recipe again.
Also, in previous years, a cookbook would be the norm for trying a new recipe. However, for the last three or four years, the baking and cooking communities have expanded like rapid fire! The expansion is a result of such networks like the Food Network (where I think has glamourized food) and the blogging world! Food is EVERYWHERE! (I partly hold the blogging community responsible for me not fitting in my clothes!)
Anyhoo...back to my carrot cupcake experience. The carrot cake recipe can be found here. Below are my measurements. Yes, I am one of those anal people who measure all her ingredients out. I think it's due to fear that I will screw up on the recipe and yet I still manage to screw up...sometimes.

While the cupcakes were cooling, I started making the cream cheese frosting. The recipe can be found on Karens Cookies Cakes and More's website or simply here. She mentioned the recipe was very sweet so I cut the sugar down to 1.5 cups. Still sweet and I really couldn't taste the cream cheese. I think the next time I try this frosting recipe, I will use 1.25 cups. (Wondering to myself if that is still going to be too sweet.)

The finale! Doesn't look so bad huh? Looks yummy enough. The verdict - well, the cake was moist, zesty and I couldn't taste the carrot. It's not bad, really it's not. It's just not carrot cake. It is more like an orange flavored cupcake. So attempt one = FAILED. However, I will not get discouraged this time. I will try another recipe tomorrow night. This time - I will make sure it's a carrot cake recipe. I should have realized something was strange when the recipe only asked for 1 cup of grated carrots but asked for orange juice and orange zest.
Oh I forgot to share this photo below. I keep my confectioner's sugar AKA powdered sugar in this little cutie. :-)
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