Thursday, January 24, 2008


I am sick. I think the husband got me sick. I didn't go to work until 1 p.m. yesterday and finally called in sick today. Unfortunately, my wonderful workplace no longer pays for sick days so I either have to take a vacation or unpaid day. I think I will take an unpaid day as I am trying to save up my vacation time for our Asia trip this April.

So what did I do today at home? I didn't wake up until about 1 p.m. That was great! I woke up, brushed my teeth, made myself a ham sandwich, ate the sandwich, watched TV and blogged or message board stalked all day! So unproductive but therapeutic. In my unproductive state, I managed to contact the travel agency for an itinerary to our Asia trip. I received the preliminary itineraray at 5:40 p.m. and have until the end of this month to decide "yes" or "no."

On to other matters, I was supposed to have dinner with my friend at Sinbala in Rowland Heights but I was sick and am not dragging my butt out there today. I love Sinbala! It's comfort food. Oh well, there's always next time.

Today I have a lot of random thinking. One is photography. WTH?? Is everyone becoming a photographer or what? Everywhere I go, I see people wanting to do photography. I'll see comments on message boards stating, "Oh, I want to do wedding photographer part-time." or "Oh, I want to eventually become a photographer." I'm fine with people who are truly artistic and have an eye for photography to go into this industry but just because someone gets himself/herself a DSLR and have taken a few "cool" pictures does not make him or her a photographer. Yes, I know I want to advance my photographic skills but I never said anything about becoming a photographer. No, I do not want to be a professional photographer.

Second random thinking. Dangit...I've been searching high and low for more than a year for reasonably priced flush-mount photo albums. I want to make some parents' albums but it seems like the album companies will only sell to photographers. I really don't want to use Mypublisher. The quality is just not the same but I might have to resort to MyPublisher if I cannot find something better.

Third random thinking. I'm pysched! I have finally found a pilates studio near home!! I'll be checking out that place real soon!

Fourth random thinking. Time to find myself a new skin routine. I've been using the same skin routine for at least 5 years now. I'll be turning 30 soon (oh you know how old I am).

Anyway, the husband brought home dinner for me and dessert! Yogurt Pad again!! They ran out of mochi!! Boo!!! =( Nevertheless, still yum yum.

Sorry, no pics. I didn't recharge my camera. =(

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