Friday, January 25, 2008


Boo...I am currently trying to play Puzzle Fighter online through the PlayStation 3 and no one wants to play me! I guess I have no life since it's a Friday night and the teenagers must be out having fun while the youngsters must have to hit the sack!

Oh, oh, oh.....I finally signed up for my CPE's! That was a goal in itself. Now I just need to study, study, study and take the exams to get my hours.

I'm getting a haircut tomorrow! Chop, chop my hair will fall. This is the longest my hair's ever been! A part of me will have remorse to see my long hair chop off but I really have to get it done. I CAN'T STAND LONG HAIR!!! The only remorse I will have is not being able to curl my hair but on the other hand, it takes me TWO HOURS to curl my hair!!

Good night!

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