Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Image Change

This past weekend, I had an image makeover. Well, not quite a makeover but I got a haircut. I haven't gotten a haircut (except the occasional trim every few months) since early 2006. It's been two years! I don't keep my hair long most of the years except in those two years, I had an alternative motive! I was getting married.

The wedding day came and went and I still did not get a haircut. I was toying with the idea of doing a "Trash the Dress" session (more about this session someday) so I continued to keep my hair long. Well...the TTD session came and went but my long hair was still on my head.

Then, a thought occurred to me, I would donate my hair! I did research on the topic and found there was a LENGTH REQUIREMENT plus a bunch of other requirements such as hair cannot be chemically treated, must be clean, must be braided or in ponytail, yadee, yadee, yadee.

Anyway...so I continued to grow out my hair because I did not want to be bald when I decided to chop off my hair. After much contemplation, I went through with the process this past Saturday! My stylist asked me if I was sure. Hell yeah I was sure! Now I have a bob. It's a bit shorter than I had anticipated but I don't really care. The good thing about hair is that it grows back (well...at least for me anyway). ;P

So my brother, who I shall call ECA and his g/f, ECA g/f, came over on Sunday because ECA missed my furbabies and wanted to play with them. (I have six. One of these days, I will introduce you to my six furbabies.) The husband's younger sister (what shall I call her?) also came over with a foot long sub from Vegas. (Yes really, the sub really did come from Vegas but she didn't go to Vegas.) ECA and ECA g/f also brought us all Yogurt Pad! YUM! YUM! Unfortunately, they did not have mochi again. This is the second time they ran out of mochi. I'm disappointed! =( Anyway...we were all in the husband's cave and I remembered that the following item was in his cave:

I proceeded to grab the bag because I wanted to show ECA and his g/f what was in it. Heehee...let's just say they were freaked out by it and told me to put it away! Geez....it was only my hair. I thought it was kind of cool (o.k., so I found it rather entertaining from their expression and amusing) to see my hair in a ponytail.Here are some more pics. Look! My hair is longer than 12 inches! I have the ruler to prove!

What a momentous ocasion!! =)

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