Friday, January 11, 2008

2008 Goals

I originally started a blog thinking that it would be nice to keep track of my life. Unfortunately, I am such a lazy blogger but since I am on a roll tonight, I will try to list some of my goals for 2008.

1) Donate my time to a charitable organization. I have not decided what type of organization but I am thinking of the following orgs: Animal humane, cancer cure or battered women's shelters. I am going to try to do some research this weekend to get the ball rolling on this goal.

2) Get updated on my continuing education. I am so behind and I probably have about 100 hours of CPE's that I must complete for my licensing. I already know the company I want to use for the CPE's but I'm being cheap right now and do not want to fork over the $ 450 to sign up for the courses. I really should just bite the bullet (is this the correct saying? I am so bad with these cliches) and pay the fee.

3) Spend more time with my family. Hmm....this will be a challenge. My parents have decided to work on Mondays now (their usual day off) so I am not sure when the "quality time" will happen. Maybe the weekends but it will be at least nice to keep to some commitment to see the parents.

4) Visit Japan!!! We are trying to plan a trip this April to celebrate our 1 year anniversary (wedding), 10 years anniversary (of being together) and my birthday! all happened in the same month about a week a part. Even our engagement party happened in April. However, the husband actually purposed in December 2005.

5) Hmm....I really want to visit Canada and Arizona too but I am not sure about this as the more we spend on vacation, the less we save. (sighed) It's a give and take. I emailed the husband our 2008 budget and he told me that I did not have an allowance for vacationing! Haha...I told him that vacationing dips into if we take a vacation, we will just have to subtract from our savings.

6) Eat vegetarian once a month. This was my resolution for 2007 and I would say that I probably met it halfway, meaning I probably ate vegetarian about 6 times out of the whole year. I must try harder this year.

7) Learn to cook more. (Another sigh here.) I don't like cooking. It's such a pain to prepare the food and it takes about 20 minutes to devour the food but I will try. I love collecting cookbooks but I don't like cooking. I guess I like to "appear" like I cook. HAHAHAHAHA

8) Finish at least one book a month. Gone are the days when I would spend endless nights reading. Now I spend my time blog stalking but I can't say I really read the blogs all that much. The good news is that I met my quota for January (I must give myself a pat on the back). I finished The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Maybe I will write a review of what I think about the book one of these days.

9) Get my wedding coordinating certificate! Again...another education thing. I don't think this certificate will be too difficult to get. I am currently doing wedding coordinating for some brides and it will be nice to build a bigger portfolio of brides. This business will help keep my creative energy going! =) (Hmm...I must learn how to post some of those neat emoticons I see some other bloggers do.)

10) Learn more about photography. I will be starting a digital photography class at a junior college at the end of this month and I am hoping that I can take some nice and fancy pictures to share on this blog one of these days. (I've taken a black and white photography class but that was back in 2001 and that was with the regular SLR. Now technology has advanced to the DSLR. I purchased the Canon Rebel XTI last year and although I think it is a nice camera, I will have to admit that it is a beginner camera (good for someone like me who's a novice). I want to move onto the better camera (like the Canon 5D) but I refuse to spend the money until I know I am capability of taking nice pictures.

OK....I have some other personal goals but I think they are too personal to share on this blog so I will just keep those to myself for now. ;P

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