Monday, August 31, 2009
Day 79 - Apple Tree

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Day 78 - Gym Anyone?
So I waited and waited. Then I figured while I waited - I would take a random picture. A random picture of the gym. The gym I have not visited for about two weeks. The gym that I pay a monthly fee. The same gym that I drive by almost everyday and I still manage to avoid. Yup...that's the gym.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Day 77 - Bar Hayama
This restaurant is a sushi bar and can easily be overlooked if you are not specifically looking for it as it blends in with the surrounding homes on Sawtelle in Los Angeles. Upon entering the restaurant - you will immediately see an outdoor seating with a bonfire at its center. There are a number of seatings outside as well as inside. The place is quaint, charming and, in my opinion, could come off as a bit pretentious.
On such a warm evening as today - we had a reserved table outside (thank goodness too!) to celebrate a belated birthday. The day was HOT, HOT, HOT!!! And yes, I am a wimp when it comes to heat so anything more than 82 degrees is unbearable for me.
The cute waiter came back to take our order after the rest of our party arrived. Quite courteous and friendly, he was able to make several recommendations and a few of his favorites. What I found a bit interesting is that the waiter had a bit of a giggle at the end of his conversation! I am not sure if that is a cute thing or not but I guess I can overlook the giggle for today.
We started off with garlic edamame - sauteed edamame with garlic soy sauce. I rather liked this dish with the hint of garlic and soy sauce to add flavor to the, sometimes, rather flavorless edamame.

The restaurant is a great place to try out different types of Asian fusion sushi and appetizer plates. Also great for a date and special get togethers. Price-wise - it was definitely on the pricey side. Prices range at about $ 8 to $ 15 a plate for appetizers with each person ordering about two plates. Everything was beautifully presented but how can you go wrong with food presented on white plates? It just screams, "Try Me." Waiter was definitely attentive, friendly and accomodating. Too bad I don't remember his name.
However, if you are looking for something to fill you up, this may not be the restaurant for you. Try the ramen restaurant a few blocks down. ;P
Friday, August 28, 2009
Day 76 - Vietnamese Dessert (Che)
After dinner, the husband and I headed over to Che Hien Khanh for some Vietnamese dessert. Far left to right - Che ba mau (rainbow) drink/dessert (a combination of mung beans, azuki beans, white beans, green jelly, sugar and coconut), Flan, banana with tapioca dessert and another flan.

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Day 75 - Spam Musubi
Review - pretty tasty. Could use a bit more sauce but for a first-timer - I am impressed. The thing is - I ate 1.75 musubi. This stuff fills you up real quick! We have leftovers for tomorrow.

Day 74 - Happy Meal Toy?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Day 73 - Look What I Got!

Monday, August 24, 2009
Day 72 - Tomorrow's Lunch

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Day 71 - Kim Anderson

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Day 70 - Blizzcon 2009
The day started out with finding a parking space. I am just amazed at how many people attend this event. Blizzcon is a two day event where the company introduces new games. It is a great opportunity for the game enthusiast to try new games, attend panels, etc. It has been awhile since I have been back to the Anaheim Convention Center and I must say - they've done a wonderful job of renovating the place. The architecture is modern and sleek with the many glass panels letting the attendee know that he or she is in the 21st century.

Friday, August 21, 2009
Day 69 - Girl Night
At $ 4 a slice - that was one expensive piece of cake for so-so taste. I've had better tiramisu. Luckily the company made up for the so-so cake. ;P

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Day 68 - Blizzcon 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Day 67 - Passion for yogurt?
Me, "What do you want to do?"
The husband, "Hang out with you."
Me, "But gym or no?"
The husband, "U pick."
Me, "No u pick."
Then the line goes dead. I get no response. Go figures.
We ended up trying a new Vietnamese restaurant that is also a chain. I still like the original. Then we went to dessert! Yum! Yum! It's been awhile since we have had tarty yogurt. I tend to not deviate too much from my normal yogurt flavor and toppings. Today was no exception, although I did add a bit of taro flavor. It's o.k. The husband likes it more than me. My topping choices: almost always mochi and strawberries, mango for the husband, occasionally logan or chocolate chips.
A nice way to end an evening.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Day 66 - Whole Milk
The minimal milk I did drink while growing up was good old lowfat 2% milk. When we wanted to eat cereal, that was the milk my parents would buy for us. Hmm...so I guess I can blame my parents for my lack of height. Anyhow...boy was I surprised one day when I saw whole milk at the in-laws eons ago.
I asked the husband, boyfriend at the time, "You guys drink this milk??!"
He was like, "Yeah, why?"
Me, "Because it's whole milk! It's a lot of fat content!"
Then I proceeded to try it. Hm....nope, didn't like it. Not my thing. Too rich for my tastebuds that grew up on 2% lowfat milk.
That brings me to this weekend. When I do buy milk, it's 2% lowfat milk but most of the baking recipes request for whole milk. And then there is Costco. Get two one gallons for $ 4! That is practically the price for one one gallon at the normal grocery store. I look at the husband and asked him if we should get and I mentioned the price. Costco - you got us. We are suckers. Yes we are. Now we have one and a half gallons of milk to down by August 29, 2009.

Monday, August 17, 2009
Day 65 - Jackfruit
Wouldn't you know it....I guess I am just not that creative or unique...which leads me onto another topic when a person tells me that he/she thinks he/she is the only person who had to have this/that happen to or his/her child is the smartest, quickest, tallest, yadee, yadee, yadee.
I want to say, "Yes, you are unique just like everyone else" or "Yes, your child is unique just like everyone else's child." How I see it, if you can Google it and you find your answer....more than likely....you are not the only person with the special powers. Now for the children comparison...it must be a parent thing that you only understand once you are a parent. :P
Ahh...back to the jackfruit....our presence was requested at my in-laws today. The in-laws love jackfruit. I, on the other hand, can do without this fruit. Although I must say, the color of the jackfruit is beautiful. Oh, in case you are interested to learn a bit about the jackfruit. Here and here.

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Day 64 - Blueberry Cupcake Muffins
According to the recipe - it serves eight but I used a cupcake pan and yielded ten. It's classic , simple and tasty.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Day 63 - Ego Busted or Not
The Asian fellow went on to tell me about the T1i. This is where I became timid and felt I should have done my homework before walking into such a store where too much testosterone could do harm to a female's ego. He takes out the T1i to show me. I immediately recognize that it is the younger and more technically savvy brother of the XTI. I did not mention to the gentleman that my XTI was tugged in my bag. I did not feel like I needed to but at the same time...I also felt that he thought I was either 1) One of those people who wanted to buy an expensive camera and did not know how to use it or 2) I was a small woman and the smaller Canon would fit me better. He continues to go on about why the 50D if I don't have the good lens to go with it. I mention to him that I have the 24-70 and the 50 1.4. At the mention of the 24-70, I see that he is slightly impressed and realizes that I must know a little bit about cameras but he is still not convinced. He continues to tell me the good things about the T1i while in my mind...all I wanted to do was feel the 50D and if it was compatible with me. Too bad.
Anyhoo...I thanked the gentleman who managed to stomp on my ego as an amateur photographer and quietly exited the store with the husband by my side. Luckily my ego is not easily crushed or else I wouldn't be where I am today. We went back to his parents where I managed to snap a few shots of their dog, Boba.

Friday, August 14, 2009
Day 62 - The Hourglass
Don't let the moments slip by without making them count. :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Day 61 - ECA's Passion

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Day 60 - Tonight's Dinner
Tonight's dinner: One hamburger, small fries and a small Coke! I found out that the price for these three items are the same as the Happy Meal! I used to get the Happy Meal but I never had a use for the toy. Oh wait...except when I met Kermie. The difference is that for this order I get an actual small sized Coke whereas the Happy Meal gives me a child sized Coke.
Dinner....so simple.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Day 59 - Unlikely Souvenir
On our recent trip to Costa Rica, we found ourselves with an unlikely souvenir from that country when the husband forgot to return our room key and the front desk never asked for it. I wondered if they realize they are missing the key to room 204. Let's hope they have a spare.

Monday, August 10, 2009
Day 58 - The 19th Wife
The story is fascinating as it deals with the Mormons and "celestial marriage" also known as polygamy. It is interesting to read about how people can be brainwashed into believing something such as celestial marriage. Thank goodness established practices and beliefs from the past are questioned in modern times, otherwise, we, as women, would be in trouble!

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Day 57 - Hello Kitty!
Sanrio was my last destination before I headed home. I walked in the store and handed my application to an associate with a Sanrio tag that had the name Joanne written on it. I assumed that was her name. Joanne took my application and said to me, "Hold on, my manager is here and let me see if she'll look at your application right now." I was young and had no idea what she was talking about but I smiled and said, "OK."
A door in the corner of the store opened and in came a small plump red-haired woman with a nice demeanor. She must be the manager, I thought to myself. She approached me, stucked out her right hand and introduced herself as Lauri. I shooked her hand, smiled and introduced myself. We stepped out of the store and took a seat at one of the benches close by. Let the interview begin. She asked questions and I answered. After what felt like an eternity, the interview concluded and she said she would give me a call in the next few days to let me know if I was hired or not. I thanked her and left.
A few hours later - my phone rang. I picked up the phone.
Me, "Hello."
The caller, "Hi, this is Lauri with Sanrio, may I speak to -----."
Immediately hearing the name Lauri and Sanrio, my hands got clampy and my heart beated quickly but I kept my cool. Me, "This is she."
Lauri, "Hi ----- - if you are still interested in the job, I would like to offer you a sales associate position at Sanrio."
I was stoaked and flaggergasted, thinking to myself, what little girl would not jump at the chance to work for THE HELLO KITTY STORE. It was the cool store where all the Asian girls worked at and where all the Asian boys went to flirt with the girls or buy cute little toys for their girlfriends. Hey...I was a teenager and I had the mentality of a teenage girl. Me, "Yes, I would love to work at Sanrio."
Lauri, "Can you stop by Monday to fill out some paperwork and bring your student permit from school? We can talk about your schedule at that time as well."
Me, "Yes, of course."
The conversation went on for another 10 minutes where we exchanged more information. I thanked her, hung up the phone and wanted to shout to the world that I landed my first part-time job! I felt like I won the lottery!
I worked at Sanrio for a number of years through high school and most of my college days. Eventually, I moved on to what I would like to think bigger things in life but I'll always have my precious Sanrio memories. I'd like to think that working at Sanrio helped to develop my career aspirations as well as enlightened me with the dynamics of human behavior. I am a firm believer that success is part luck and part hard work. I'll always remember Joanne and Lauri. Joanne for her thoughtfulness in getting me an interview on the spot and Lauri for hiring me.

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Day 56 - A New Bakery in Town
My mind already wandered off to the bakery even before I sat down for dinner tonight. The husband thought I was nuts as I mentioned to our friends about the bakery and how I wanted to check it out after dinner.
It didn't matter that we'd just finished dinner and how we would be completely full. It was simple in my mind. The place was new and conveniently close by. We NEEDED to check it out and I felt like I owed it to the place since I spotted it.
The concept is very similar to 85C in Irvine. Is it a copycat of 85C? I would have to say no. In reviewing their websites - TLJ has been around since 1997 whereas 85C opened its first store in 2004. One wonders if it's the other way around where 85C is a copycat of TLJ. Is the battle of the bakery/cafe about to start? Is this the new explosion similar to "PinkBerry" and "Yogurtland? Only time will tell....
I love how their logos are printed even on their tables. Talk about branding! Oh and I know I should post something about the baked goods but please forgive me because I was really full. I ordered a drink but I did buy some baked goods. I'll have to see if I can post that another day...or not.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Day 55 - Vietnamese Sticky Rice

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Day 54 - Summer's Fruit
But......for a summer fruit - the yellow nectarine has a special place in my heart right next to the watermelon. With the crunchy sound echoing in my ears and the tangy juices tingling and shocking my tastebuds, nothing beats taking a bite of this chilled fruit on a warm summer evening. The yellow nectarine has a brother - the yellow fuzzy peach but I'll choose the nectarine over the peach anyday with its uncomplicated skin ready to be devoured by the human mouth. Oh yes...the yellow nectarine also has a sister and another brother - the white nectarine and the white peach. I have never liked the latter siblings even though they are sweeter than this one. The yellow nectarine remains my favorite.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Day 53 - Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines
We are constantly evolving. For the better I hope. Anyhoo....back to work for me.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Day 52 - KFC - Finger Licking Good!
Today - I picked up KFC for dinner. Let's just say that we have enough chicken for the next two or three days. I got suckered and bought the $ $ 22.99 meal deal and then....you get another bucket for $ 5! Ooooooo....I am in the chicken NOW! I think I will try to make some Asian chicken salad tomorrow. Oh...since I have not tried the "NEW" KFC grilled chicken, I got a bucket full of the grilled and crispy.

KFC - you are still not a match for El Pollo Loco and I'm not even much of an El Pollo Loco fan but your grilled chicken is sad in comparison to El Pollo Loco's chicken. Boo!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Day 51 - Orange Tree
Oh and the little guy you see in the picture is Snickers. I think he was looking for some tree bark.

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Day 50 - Scrabble