Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 65 - Jackfruit

Do you ever wonder how certain fruits got its name? For example - the jackfruit! Did a person by the name of Jack discover this fruit so that's why we call it jackfruit? With Google as my new best friend, I was able to find out that I am not the only person who wonders this.

Wouldn't you know it....I guess I am just not that creative or unique...which leads me onto another topic when a person tells me that he/she thinks he/she is the only person who had to have this/that happen to or his/her child is the smartest, quickest, tallest, yadee, yadee, yadee.

I want to say, "Yes, you are unique just like everyone else" or "Yes, your child is unique just like everyone else's child." How I see it, if you can Google it and you find your answer....more than are not the only person with the special powers. Now for the children must be a parent thing that you only understand once you are a parent. :P

Ahh...back to the jackfruit....our presence was requested at my in-laws today. The in-laws love jackfruit. I, on the other hand, can do without this fruit. Although I must say, the color of the jackfruit is beautiful. Oh, in case you are interested to learn a bit about the jackfruit. Here and here.

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