Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 75 - Spam Musubi

Look what the husband made for dinner tonight! Shock factor! Other than washing the dishes and getting food from the frig, the husband rarely stays in the kitchen for too long but today - he managed to whip up spam musubi all by himself! Meaning - he purchased the nori (seaweed) and sauce, cooked the rice, fried the spam and wrapped everything up. Not bad huh?

Review - pretty tasty. Could use a bit more sauce but for a first-timer - I am impressed. The thing is - I ate 1.75 musubi. This stuff fills you up real quick! We have leftovers for tomorrow.


mashi said...

wow soy sauce? it's not too salty? We find the spam salty enough so we only use spam, rice, and seaweed to make musubi.

Just Anything said...

Teriyaki sauce and low sodium spam. :)