Can you believe that the first quarter of 2010 has come to a close??
Let's is not as stressful....for now. Yahoo!! I've been cooking dinner since Sunday! That may be a record. I have come to a realization that I cannot prepare and cook on the same day. By the time I arrive home from work, I am absolutely famish and the last thing I want to do is chop, cut and mince. All I want to do is EAT! So what I have been doing is preparing the night before. I'll wash, cut and chop what I plan to cook the next day and it's worked wonderfully. I can't wait to see how long I can keep this up.
What else? We are getting ready to go to Europe soon! Can't wait! My energy is back. I am not lethargic like I was in January and February. I actually feel alive whereas before I was sick, stress and miserable.
Gardening - I am attempting to clean up our backyard one weekend at a time. We were able to clear an area about 5 feet by 12 feet about two weeks ago. Since then I have planted some seeds, put down compost and hope that my seeds will grow! Let's see....I planted lettuce, watermelon and cantalope. I am thinking I want to plant some herbs but I am debating whether I want to plant them on the ground or in pots. I also want to plant some tomatoes, green beans and squash. Oh and we have the yard space so I am not worried about the space BUT I am still trying to figure out if I have a green thumb.
Oh...I March, the husband and I went to Fresno. You might be thinking, what the heck is there to do in Fresno?! Well...we went for the blossom trail. About a year ago, I came upon this site for blossoms in Fresno and I thought it would be fun to go. Unfortunately when I found out about the blossoms, all the blossoms had bloomed. Luckily I remembered this year and kept an eye for when it was blossom season.'s farm county. It's different from Orange County and Los Angeles. It's picturesque and very serene. The husband and I met up with PM's mom and her family while we were up there. That was nice as we were able to hang out.
Here are a few pictures from our Fresno trip. We stopped by Kingsburg which is one of the first cities you pass through on your way to Fresno. Kinsburg is Swedish influence community. There is about one or two blocks that make up Kinsburg. There was a TINY jail cell there that is no longer in service.

A beautiful blossom branch.

Farm country right here in California!

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