About a month ago, I saw the tree spout a fruit. Yes, one lime! I was soo excited as I told the husband about it. He just sniggered at me and thought I was crazy. He quickly reminded me that one lime was pretty pathetic for a tree we've had for several years. I giggled while explaining to him that I didn't care if it was only one fruit...at least my plant survived and is bearing fruits this year.
As I was feeding my dogs today, I decided to look around our backyard and trotted over to my lime tree. I'll be darn, I see at least seven little green balls spouting out. How cool is that! :D
Anyhoo - I am on the look-out for an orange tree so my parents will probably pick one up for me in the next few months. Gotta love the parents for stuff like this although my mom thinks I am crazy because she got rid of hers and now I want one. You see....my parents like to plant the exotic fruits like dragon fruit and logan. Lime, lemon and orange trees are boring to them, however, I am a bit boring and tend to like more of what are considered "American" fruits.

Take care of that tree and you'll have more limes next year! I'd love to have any kind of a fruit tree in my yard -- dragon fruit sounds awesome.
I want dragon fruit and longan tree!!! And LIME too! :)
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