Thursday, December 31, 2009
Knock, Knock
Who's There?
No One
No One who?
No One Blogging!
It's been awhile!
Misses: Project 365 = failed! Blogging everyday = failed! Exercising = failed most of the year except the past month.
Pluses: A new year is about to unfold within hours! Ate vetgetarian at least once a month (um...hmm....I think I missed it for December). Read a few books. Finished a few projects. Visited a few new places.
All in all...not too bad of a year. Aside from the economy is just peach. I wondered what 2010 will bring. :P
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Day 109 - New Ceiling Lights

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Day 108 - Pretty Bottle
It was my first time trying out a "RAW" restaurant and probably my last unless someone else can convince me that there is another "RAW" dish out there that is tasty.'s going to take a lot of convincing!
What is "RAW" you ask? According to online sources, it is a lifestyle promoting the consumption of un-cooked, un-processed and often organic foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and grain. The food cannot be cooked over 115 F degrees. I can't do it. I will gladly raise my little white flag and admit defeat if someone forces this diet on me.
Anyhoo.....I came home and then I thought of processed food. And meat. But I resisted since I ate vegetarian for most of the day. Now with about 30 minutes left before the day ends - I am ready to open up my pretty pink bottle filled with flavored food coloring pink lemonade straight from Trader Joe's. How ironic.

Monday, November 2, 2009
Day 107 - It's a Wonderful Life
I enjoy watching a lot of the classics and used to tune to the Turner Classic Movie channel when they had movies from the past on. It was one of my favorite pastimes to be a couch potato and to see how the directing and acting have changed over time. It's been awhile since I have turned to the Turner Classic channel....

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Day 106 - Autumn in an Apothecary Jar
Several months ago I bought a bunch of these jars from a newlywed selling hers. These jars sat on my console table waiting to be filled. I've been wanting to fill these with pine cones and thanks to PM's mom - I've gotten a bunch of pine cones for FREE! You see - I thought it was ridiculous to have to pay for pine cones when I could get them from the pine trees in any given park. :D
Now I have a little bit of autumn in our family room!

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Day 105 - Shabu Shabu
The husband and I had shabu shabu at home. Shabu is super easy to make at home and is so much cheaper. The only thing is that eating at home means you have to clean up after yourself.
Ingredients (replicating from California Shabu Shabu) - most ingredients can be found at an Asian market:
- Garlic (chopped)
- Daikon radish (chopped)
- Green onions (chopped)
- Spinach
- Napa cabbage (sliced one inch sized)
- Enoki mushroom (found at a Korean or Japanese market)
- Carrots (cut in cubes)
- Broccoli (cut in smaller pieces)
- Soft tofu
- Clear noodle
- Udon
- Beef, chicken, pork or seafood
- Ponzu shabu sauce (for dipping, found at a Korean or Japanese market)
- Sesame shabu sauce (for dipping, found at a Korean or Japanese market)
- Soup base
- Chili oil (for water)
- Hot water in a pot
The veggies are cheap but the sauces are more expensive. Each bottle is about $ 5 to $ 8 a bottle but can be used several times.
I am picky with the ponzu sauce so we have tried three different brands! Ponzu sauce is a citrus-based sauce used in Japanese cuisine. Each brand is slightly different so my recommendation would be to try out a few to see which one suits the individual. The left bottle - Mitsukan ponzu sauce - more soy than sour. The middle bottle is the husband's favorite and it is some Japanese brand that has no American name - definitely more citrus than soy. The right bottle is Mizkan goma shabu ponzu sauce. I like this bottle although I think it can use a bit more citrus. Really - ponzu sauce is probably pretty easy to make since it's basically just soy sauce, lemon and maybe water. Chili oil to add to the hot water and to add a bit of flavor. I also add some soy sauce to the water to give it more flavor (optional).
Noodle soup base for the udon and Mizkan sesame dipping sauce. This one is the best and only one I've seen.
Clear noodle to go with the soup base.
Udon also to go with the soup base.
To prepare:
- Wash and cut all the veggies.
- Chop the garlic - this can be added to the hot water, ponzu or sesame sauce. I like adding it to the ponzu sauce.
- Chop the daikon - this is added to the water or the dipping sauce.
- Chop the green onions - this is added to the hot water.
- Add water to a pot and place on portable burner or electronic burner.
- Wait for water to boil - then add veggies and meat.
Enjoy! :D
Oh - the soup base is used towards the end when you want a bowl of noodle soup. Add all the udon and clear noodle to the water. Add about one or two tablespoon of the soup base to a bowl. After the noodle has cooked - add to the bowl with the soup base and some of the broth.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Day 104 - Crow's Feet
You see, I've been busy with what is called life. It could be the mundane everyday things, nevertheless, it is still life. Life with its many faces such as the early mornings when you wake up to that fresh cup of Joe or the smile and laughter shared among friends and family. However, life also has the other side...the one that occupies most of our time. The one where most people do not enjoy. Life with its obligations and deadlines. Yes...that is life.
Life that sometimes brings you giggles as well as worries. Giggles that can lead to laugh lines and worries that can lead to crow's feet! This leads me to the topic for today.
Eye cream.
I am not sure if it really works but I am an advocate of eye cream. I believe in preventive measures versus reactive. I am always on the hunt for good eye cream. Sadly - I have not really found one that I can call my own. My latest eye cream try is the Oil of Olay ProX Eye Restoration Complex. At about $ 41.50 a bottle - it is rather steep for a non-department brand but I am a sucker and willing to give it a try. The good thing about eye cream is that it goes a long way!

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Day 103 - Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Pumpkins!
And so the little girl shuffles herself over to the little pumpkin. :D

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Brunch with My Family
Anyway - we celebrated my dad's birthday over the weekend by attending Saturday brunch in San Juan Capistrano. I love, love, love the image below with the husband's silhouette in the background.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
MSC - Banana Walnut Cupcakes
Since I did not have any pecans on hand, walnuts would have to do for my cupcakes. I actually made the first batch two weeks ago. I also made the caramel buttercream frosting and ended up using the frosting on ONE cupcake - the one that I gave to the husband to eat. This was the first time I made caramel and I was pretty impressed with myself as the caramel actually came out, CARAMEL! :P The first round of whisking the egg whites was a no-go. I whisked for a good ten minutes (after dissolving sugar with egg whites over the stove) but my mixture never got fluffy or curdled so I ended up tossing that away. On the second round - I hand whisked over the stove for 15 minutes and that seemed to do the trick. Afterwards - I poured the mixture in my electric mixer and added the caramel. The consistency came out pretty well but I must say - it tasted like butter. The husband did not really care for the caramel buttercream so we opted to eat all the cupcakes without any frosting. Still delicious! :D
Since we were going to celebrate my dad's birthday this past weekend and I had a lot of bananas left, I decided to make another batch for my parents to take home. This time I made whipped cream and added banana chips. Verdict: My parents loved the whipped cream frosting but they thought the cupcakes were a bit sweet. Then again...I think my parents find most American baked goods and desserts more on the sweet side so maybe their comments don't count. :P

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Day 99 - Sunday is Leisure Time

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Day 98 - Reflections
Today - they lie quietly listening to me as I update them on my parents' lives and ask them to wish my loved ones well, all the while the windchimes chime a lulllaby for them.....

Friday, September 18, 2009
Day 97 - Zzzzz on Zimzala
The evening was beautiful. It was clear and the temperature was a perfect 70 degree or so. Our destination was Huntington Beach.

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Day 96 - Shabu for Dinner and Dessert Is A Must!
I did not take pictures of dinner. :( Now that I think about it, I should have. There were a few eye candy around and I don't mean chocolate. ;P OK - two eye candy. One was about 30 something and another was about 20 something (too young but nevertheless still eye candy).
After dinner...we went to cefiore for some yummy yogurt and of course, for "girl time." It was wonderful to catch up on everyone's life. :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Day 95 - Chess Anyone?
Here are my oversized decorations. Chess anyone?