What is it? For the American folks and those who used it but do not know what it's called - the actual brand is called Eagle Brand medicated oil, commonly referred to the Asian folks as "green oil." It is an Asian remedy for aches and pains of muscles or joints as well as strains and sprains.
Growing up, my parents would use this "green oil" on themselves or us kids when we were sick. They would pour several small lines of this green liquid on our backs and start making marks our backs with a quarter or spoon. Within seconds, these reddish-purple line bruises would appear to mark their territory. The theory is that those markings helped to kill or alleviate the cold or illness that was in our body. I just remembered that it hurt! After the pain, you could feel the coolness of the markings. It was almost welcoming!
Nowadays, I use this bottle to alleviate some tension from a migraine (although I do not think it actually works but I do welcome the warm and cool feeling) as well as bruises and bumps.
(Picture was taken with a Canon Rebel XTI, no flash, focal length 51 mm, f/3.5, 1/80 sec under manual setting.) Don't mind me as you will see this throughout some of my pictures from now on because I am trying to track how my pictures come out. Well, just the ones I take under manual setting.
i love this stuff! a chinoy introduced me to this years ago and i keep it for emergencies. it is amazing. nothing on earth like it. i just can't get the stuff. any chance someone may want to distribute this to walmarts? we could sure use a bit of asian ingenuity here in the usa.
You can get it in Amazon
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