Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Too much work!!

I haven't had a chance to blog for a few days now and I miss blogging. Blogging usually means that I have free time so I can talk about random nonsense or not. Unfortunately, I have a bunch of deadlines so the little busy me has been working when after work! =(

I was eating my lunch by my lonesome self in the kitchen today when my middle-aged co-worker came in. (Wait..practically everyone at my workplace is at least 10 years older than me.)

Anywho, my co-worker started to prepare her lunch and while she was doing that, she asked me, "Can I ask you a personal question?"
I said, "yes."
She asked, "Is everything o.k.?"
I nonchalently said, "Oh, I've just been really busy."
She said, "Oh, ok."
Silence for a few seconds.
Then I asked, "Why, do I seem a bit agitated lately?"
She responded rather quickly, "Yes."
I laughed and said again, "I've just been busy. Too many things to do. Not enough minutes in a day."

Maybe I should have also said, if everyone leaves me alone, maybe I can get some work done. Quit trying to engage me in every project. Lately...I get the feeling my boss does not like to interact with the people back east and they don't really like to talk to him either. So guess what? I get the calls!! WTH?!?!

(My dogs are annoying me because they will not shut-up!!)

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