Sunday, January 18, 2009

They Lie

Some say, "Age is just a number." I say, "They lie!" If age is just a number, then why does it feel like we are always racing against time? I feel as if I have reached that age where I am older. Wait - duh - I am old-er! Now is about the time where people start calling you auntie or ma'am. This is when you are called a "cougar" for having crushes on the 23 year old actor. This is when your metabolism slows down because you could have swore you ate the same as before or even less - yet you feel as if your pants don't fit correctly. This is when you really need to start shopping in the Misses section instead of the Junior's section. Thirty is not the new twenty, neither is forty the new thirty nor fifty is the new forty.

Don't lie to me.

Once you hit thirty - you've lived approximately a third of your life. You sit there wondering what you've accomplished for the past 30 years or so. Then it hits you that you've got about another decade before you turn 40. Yikes! That is mid-life and you start to wonder if you will go through a mid-life crisis. you consider start to wonder if you are going through the 30-something-crisis. Of course, then you remember about your quarter-life crisis, which felt like it was just yesterday! Does it ever stop??!! And NO I am not celebrating a birthday. (Mumbling) Not yet anyway.

I am still debating if I want to be eternally 28 years old.

Life. Is. Just. Complicated. Sometimes.

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