Saturday, August 2, 2008


It's been a busy couple of weeks! I've been meaning to blog but haven't really had much of a chance to sit down and relax in front of the computer. By the way, my desktop is quickly dying on me!! I so do not want to change computers because I am not looking forward to installing everything again. (Yes, I am lazy like that.)

I started carpooling two weeks ago and so far it's been going well. The husband drops me off in the morning and my co-worker takes me home in the evening. I do like the fact that I am not driving plus it's one car less on the road. The waking up early requires a bit of getting used to but I love going home earlier. I was able to re-pot my plants in the front yard the first week. Oh - I recently acquired a gardenia plant. I am praying that my lovely gardenia plant that has buds will flower soon and also survive. I love gardenia plants. I love how the plant can give off that sweet floral fragrant on a breezy summer night. I am so looking forward to being able to walk out to my front porch to that scent one of these days!

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