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It's been a busy weekend for me. Actually, it's been busy ever since I came back from vacation. I haven't really had time for a break.
Friday night recap - I made a diaper cake for my friend's baby shower on Saturday. This picture is from another friend's camera. Isn't it cute? I marvel my work. heeheeSaturday - I attended the surprise baby shower. My friend was so surprised, it was so cute! She's due in June 2008. The husband and I visited our parents and we also dropped off gifts from Japan. My in-laws got a German Shepherd puppy. The puppy is so cute!Sunday - I trained with my friend, Metea. Unfortunately, it was so dang HOT!! We started jogging at about 9:30 a.m. and OMG, it was so HOT!! I ended up only jogging a little over 2 miles and probably walked 2 miles. We must jog earlier or at a park. It doesn't help that I haven't jogged for two weeks. After the training, I had to drive to Simi Valley to meet with my bride. That was hella far! The meeting lasted longer than I wanted but I believe we accomplished a lot. I drove back home and had a phone meeting with another bride at 7:15 p.m. I'm ready to go to sleep soon.
It's been a month since I last blogged. I haven't meant to be MIA but I got lazy and busy. We went on vacation to Japan and Hong Kong (highlights hopefully will be written one of these days before I forget all the details). We got back in town late Tuesday. I had a to run errands on Wednesday and returned to work today. Just an update....A good friend of mine (Mrs. Texas and it's compliated) just recently told me she went through a miscarriage. I guess what I mean by complicated is that I've been friends with Mrs. Texas for a long time and I've always thought of her as a really great friend if not my best friend but over the past year, I have started questioning if we are still good friends. It's kind of sad. At times she really really annoyed me or (eyeroll) to be pyschologically correct or whatever you call it, I allow her behavior to affect me. Anyway, Mrs. Texas is a drama queen and OCD. Although she says it's the Type A personality in her...I really don't see it. According to wikipedia ( maybe I should probably not use wikipedia as my source but they are the quickest response search), "People who fall under Type A exhibit characteristics such as being impatient, excessively time-conscious, insecure about one's status, highly competitive, hostile and aggressive, and incapable of relaxation.[1] Type A individuals are often high-achieving workaholics who multi-task, drive themselves with deadlines, and are unhappy about the smallest of delays. Although they may exhibit some or all of these characteristics, it does not mean that people with the type A personality are incapable of showing love, affection or other types of non-pessimistic behavior." I guess to me, a Type A personality is an agressive person as well as a perfectionist. Mrs. Texas is not aggressive and although she is a perfectionist at her tasks, she is not a perfectionist in her thoughts. Anyway...I'm going off-track here. Mrs. Texas emailed me about her miscarriage. The first thing I thought was, "OMG, that really sux!" I had to fly out to see her just to make sure she is o.k. Despite my grumbling of her over the past year, she is still my friend. Is it times like this that you realize why you need a friend? I dunno. I know Mrs. Texas does not have a lot of friends. She has her sisters but sometimes I think her sisters are crazy! I don't have sisters so I don't know how it is but I get the feeling that her whole family tends to dwell on the past instead of just moving forward. I have one younger brother who I know would probably be there for me when I need him but would also probably tell me when the time comes to get over it and get back on your feet.