Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 108 - Pretty Bottle

I went to dinner with a bunch of strangers today. By the end of the night, the concensus was that "RAW" was not the way to go in life.

It was my first time trying out a "RAW" restaurant and probably my last unless someone else can convince me that there is another "RAW" dish out there that is tasty. And..it's going to take a lot of convincing!

What is "RAW" you ask? According to online sources, it is a lifestyle promoting the consumption of un-cooked, un-processed and often organic foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and grain. The food cannot be cooked over 115 F degrees. I can't do it. I will gladly raise my little white flag and admit defeat if someone forces this diet on me.

Anyhoo.....I came home and then I thought of processed food. And meat. But I resisted since I ate vegetarian for most of the day. Now with about 30 minutes left before the day ends - I am ready to open up my pretty pink bottle filled with flavored food coloring pink lemonade straight from Trader Joe's. How ironic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love sparkling juice...i like this one, and the grapefruit one...orangina too..lately taking the san pellegrino flavored ones..yummy prolly just a little better than regular soda?