Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I ordered a compost bin today. What's a compost bin? Shame on you if you don't know what a compost bin is!! J/K A compost bin is a container that will decompose organic materials and turn those materials to soil AKA dirt for those who do not know what soil is. What type of materials? Well, leaves, eggshells, ground coffee, orange and banana peels, etc. There is a whole list of items that you can put in a compost bin. There are also other materials to avoid tossing into the compost as those materials can produce foul odors or attract rodents. The latter part would really be scary for me. Of course, the odor would cause an uproar with my neighbors as well.

Now I know some people will ask why not just buy the soil from Home Depot or Lowes. Simple. Why pay for something that you can get free AND you are also helping the environment by recycling your waste.

Anyway, I've been talking about composting for about a year now. Sad. I take action slowly. Had I bought the compost bin like I originally wanted to instead of waiting for a deal or getting it from the city, I would have had my dirt by now! Go figures. Now I have to practically wait until the end of this year to get my dirt. Oh well. I guess it is o.k. since I have all the time in the world. It's not like my garden is going to get up and leave me. Hm..well, actually, it will probably just wither away due to my lack of commitment.

So, sit back and watch me in the next few months as I pursuit my new endeavor. Wish me luck. In this case, soil! :P

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