Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Came and Went


I return to work tomorrow. I can't believe Christmas came and went just like that! It's been so hectic for the past several weeks that I just have not had time to blog.

The little down time I do have is spent vegetating on the husband's futon watching anime. I am just exhausted and the work week is about to start again. The good news is that it's a short week. The bad news is that I think I will return tomorrow with a pile of work on my desk. :(

I feel as if I am moving 100 miles per hour nonstop. I think I need to take a break soon and give myself a little R&R. This remodeling stuff is just kicking my butt! The good thing is that it is hopefully wrapping up soon. The bad news - I have about a million other things I need to accomplish as well. I really can't blame anyone but myself. My biggest problem is learning to slow down...

I've been so busy that I haven't even had a chance to review 2008's accomplishments and areas for improvements as well as come up with 2009 resolutions. Cliche you say? Why yes it is but I think it's good to evaluate how the year went. How else can I improve and learn? It is self-evaluating. I think everyone should self-evaluate more often.

Anyway...that is all I want to post for now. I must return back to my contract work now.

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